Strategic Initiatives
- CDM Hub
- Carbon Finance Initiatives (CFI)
- Center for Climate Change
- Businesses-Energy-Climate Change Nexus (BECN)
- ClimeConf
- ClimeDoc
- Green Energy for All (GE4All)
- National Cleaner Production Center Nepal (NCPC-Nepal)
- National Green Growth and Eco-Innovation Center Nepal (NGGEIC-Nepal)
- Green Fellows (GF)
- Green Volunteers and Career Development
- Green Living
- Waste to Wealth (W2W)
- Safe Drinking Water for All (SDW4All)
- Toilet for All (Toilet4All)
- Ban Hamro Jeewan (Forest Our Life)
- Kids, Youths & Environment (KEY)
- Meet with Experts

- Assist to mitigate climate change internationally
- Assist developed countries attain emission reduction commitments cost effectively
- Assist developing countries achieve sustainable development
Programme of Activities (PoA) is a modality of project development under the CDM. The major objective of the PoA is to register the coordinated implementation of a policy, measure or goal that leads to emission reduction. An unlimited number of component project activities (CPA) can be added in a registered PoA without undergoing the complete CDM project cycle. Developing countries, specially, least developed countries or regions have many benefit of programmatic approach.
CAI experts have practical experiences of CDM and CDM PoA feasibility study, project development, arrangement of project financing, registration in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), development of standardize baseline, calculating national emissions factor, trading CERs, and in short a-z of CDM / CDM PoA. Our experts have already worked in many Asian nations such as; Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Jordan, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand Vietnam and some African nations and EU member states.
We assist Government of Nepal and private companies to tap their CDM potentials and get the benefits of CDM and PoAs. At the mean time we work with foreign governments, international development agencies, project developers, credit buyers, brokers, technology providers etc. for effective implementation of projects and programmes.

Carbon Finance Initiatives (CFI) of CAI is a program to explore both project funding opportunities and appropriate projects/programmes, and matching them with the aim of successful project implementation in developing countries. We coordinate with Governments, World Bank Group, UN agencies, Regional Development Banks, International and National Financial Institutions, INGOs, NGOs, Private Companies and other donors and assist on establishing necessary arrangement for project funding mainly in climate change sectors and social welfare too. The projects/programmes that we support are from the following sectors, but not limited to;
- Renewable energy generation and distribution
- Energy efficiency for households and industries
- Emissions reduction in industrial and manufacturing processes
- Waste management
- Sequestrating carbon through afforestation and reforestation
- Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
- Environmental health and safety

The economic prosperity we achieve via industrial development and successful businesses are sustainable only if they generate benefits to the societies and nature. The question of how resilient societies have we created during the course of economic development against natural and social risks and potential disruptions is crucial for sustainable economic development. The objective of BECN initiative is to discover more collaborative opportunities among businesses, societies, academia, politics and other players of energy and climate change.
Industries and businesses are currently accountable to societies and investing a significant amount as their corporate social responsibility. How green they are in terms of energy consumption, emissions to the air, water and soil are other important aspects of industries, including others. BECN is a platform where stakeholder share their experiences and knowledge, and innovative policies, ideas, technologies germinate to make industries green which can in turn provide advantages to businesses, societies and nature. CAI collaborates with industries and concerned parties, organizes seminars and workshops, provide capacity building trainings and discover further opportunities that could assist business and industries to be green.

Sharing skills, ideas, experiences and knowledge on aspects of climate change technologies, practices, plans, policies, strategies is crucial to mitigate and adapt with the harmful impacts of climate change and make the community more resilient. CAI organizes an International Conference on Climate Change and Green Growth (ICCCGG) annually by collaborating with governments, academia, development partners, public and private institutions etc. The conference venue is either one of the most vulnerable nations to the climate change or a nation which has contributed significantly to reduce the impact of climate change and to promote green growth. Experts from various sectors present on technical, social, economic and cultural aspects of climate change and green growth. Each year the theme of the conference will be decided by considering the recent global development in climate change and green growth, and the sessions and topics may also be modified slightly depending on the weight of the topics. The conference mainly includes keynote speakers, special sessions and panels, and oral presentations and posters describing research, applications, and case studies. Key topics include, but not limited to:
- Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation
- CDM, CDM PoA, Compliance and Voluntary Market and Emissions Trading
- International and National Institutions on Climate Change
- Climate Change and Technology Transfer
- Climate Change, RE policy and governance
- Climate Change and Clean Energy Technology
- Climate Change and Public Health
- Climate Change, Agriculture, Forestry, Water, Costal Area and livelihood
- Climate and RE Finance
- Climate Change, Transportation and Civil Aviation
- Climate Catastrophe, Migration and Refugees
- Climate Change and Gender Equity
- Globalization, Nationalism and Climate Change
- Kids, Youths, Women and Climate Change
- Disaster Risk Reduction
- UN Sustainable Development Goals and Climate Change
- Sustainable Energy System & Energy for All
- Clean Energy Technologies and Policies (Hydro, Solar PV/Thermal, Wind, Biomass, Biogas, Geothermal, Fuel Cell, Tidal, W2E)
- Energy Efficiency, Energy Storage, Energy Optimization and Energy Management
- Sustainable and Green Urban System
- Green growth planning, policy and strategy in developing countries
- Green Industry Mapping and Climate Change
- Green Initiative, Green Production and Consumption
- Smart Design, Product declarations and Labelling
- Green Business and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Eco-innovation and Green Production
- Industrial Ecology Theory and Applications
- Life Cycle Assessment, Social Impact Assessment, Resilience Analysis, and Environmentally and Socially-extended Input-Output Analysis
- Education, Awareness, and Filming on Climate Change, Sustainability and Green Growth

Bringing the bitter climate reality, action taken to mitigate the harmful impacts and adaptation practices to public via documentaries or films opens eyes of various stakeholders and encourage them to contribute directly or indirectly for the betterment of the situation. ClimeDoc, which literally means climate documentary, is a program of producing climate change related documentary in various regions of the world, which are facing devastating impacts of climate change, through the involvement of various parties and show it to a wider public to disseminate awareness and reality, and also encourage the activities to retard the environmentally unfriendly moves and overcome negative consequences of climate change. CAI cooperates with local people, governments, public and private companies, NGOs, INGOs, international development agencies etc. for the production and marketing of documentaries.
CAI aims to produce at least one documentary longer than an hour (about 75 – 90 minutes), and some short documentaries on issues related to technical, economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects of climate change in a calendar year. Currently we are working in the Himalayan regions of Nepal for a documentary “A Himalayan Agony” (possible name). It is the testament to the negative social, economic, environmental and cultural consequences of climate change, people’s engagement to adapt and to create a resilient society to their road to better livelihood in the Himalayan and upper mountain regions. Impacts of the climate change are evident and people are facing serious consequences, and if prompt action is not taken the nature and the people will be victimized by its devastating effects in future. The documentary will demonstrate the real story and consequences of climate change in the region. This documentary will be promoted globally by coordinating with governments, development agencies, and private sectors, and will also be casted in film festivals and programmes related to climate change and livelihood.

- ensure access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services,
- increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix, and
- double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.
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- Micro & mini-hydropower, and grid and off-grid connection
- Biogas energy (household and institutional level)
- Improved cooking stoves
- Solar PV & solar thermal
- Waste to energy
- Biomass energy
- Biofuel
- Fuel cell & power storage system.

Though Nepal is still a Least Developed Country, number of industries is growing each year. Nepalese industries are categorized into four classes based mainly on fixed assets and energy consumption. These are; Cottage Industry, Small Scale Industry, Medium Scale Industry and Large Scale Industry. Garment, textile, food and beverage, metal manufactures, cement and brick are major industries in Nepal. Energy and resources consumption per capita production is comparatively high in Nepalese industries so industries require technical, policy and regulatory support to improve their environmental conditions.
We work with government of Nepal, concern industries, foreign governments, international organizations, research institutions etc. to achieve the cleaner production objectives. Following are major areas we work for cleaner production:
- Assist for development and implementation of industrial environmental policies
- Training and Capacity Building
- Technical assistance on green management and resource recycling
- Enhance international cooperation for green industrialization and knowledge sharing
- To support industries on complying international environmental regulations
- R & D on innovative green technologies and improving conventional technologies

Concept of Green Growth is still not well understood and not well implemented in real development practice in many developing countries. In Nepal, government, development partners and businesses are paying much attention in sustainable development which is highly beneficial on achieving the sustainable economic growth of the nation but still not sufficient to meet the green growth targets. There are currently negligible efforts in green growth sectors in Nepal and they are mainly supported by international agencies which are expertise on policy research and this could assist Nepal to simply understand the concept of green growth. Depending on its geopolitical and economic situation, CAI believes that a domestic institution should lead green growth related activities such as research, plan, policy, strategy, capacity building and practical applications of the results by cooperating with governments, governmental agencies, international development partners, local businesses and industries, academia and people.
Experts in CAI have gathered monumental experiences in various aspects of green growth in South East Asia and we will utilize such knowledge and experiences not only within a national boundary but also in South Asian Regions including developing nations around the globe. We are specialized on all aspects of green growth plan, green growth mainstreaming mechanisms, and green growth policy instruments and following are major areas, but not limited to, we intervene for green growth:
- Research and development on green economy and green growth by collaborating with academia, governments, inter-governmental agencies, developmental agencies, private sectors.
- Training and capacity building for governmental officials, private sectors, NGOs and development workers, local people etc.
- Assist on development and implementation of green growth plan, policies, measures and strategies to achieve the national and global targets towards green economic development.
- Technical assistance on implementation of green growth strategies in national and regional level.
- Promote innovation and accelerate the dissemination of green technologies.
- Boost international cooperation for green growth and knowledge sharing hub.
Green technology and eco-innovation are integral part of green growth and CIA involves in activities related to green technology and eco-innovation such as; research, strategic planning & policy, technology mapping & development, capacity building. Our expertise in areas, besides other, such as; climate resilience, mitigation, adaptation, energy technology & energy efficiency, industrial innovation, waste management are important assets to involve and accomplish projects successfully in green technology and industrial eco-innovation.

GF is a program to create a network of people in both enter and intra profession throughout the world to enhance cooperation on making our planet a better place to live. CAI aims to create a global network of people containing at least 100 million people and which will continuously grow in size each year. Members of GF are provided Green Fellow Certification and they contribute for creating their community, nation and profession greener and also educating other people living green. Every green fellow is member of Global Green Fellows Club (GGFC) and there are national, regional, district and local level GFCs. Every member from any background and profession is equally responsible for making the globe green and contribute whatever they can for the humanity, environment conservation, and sustainable green development. Various green clubs such as; green students, green teachers/professors, green bureaucrats, green doctors, green engineers, green pilots, green nurses, green diplomats, green bankers, green entrepreneurs, green artists, green advocates, green politicians, green arm forces, green journalists, green athletes, green farmers all are member of GGFC. Celebrities from any profession who can bring a broader positive impacts in societies, national and international level are selected as Green Ambassadors and they voluntarily contribute in the activities of green clubs both in national and global level.
A separate webpage ( is now under construction and be launched in future to promote and manage the activities of Global Green Fellows Club.

CAI is also a learning platform and provides opportunities to the school / university students, recent graduates, and young professionals to learn state of arts knowledge and skills, specially, in areas of climate change, renewable energy, green growth, environmental management, and environmental health and education. Volunteering experiences with CAI would strengthen their self-confidence, upgrade technical knowledge, provide practical experiences, strengthen communication skills and provide more advantages which in turn make them more competitive in national and international job market.
We also collaborate with schools, universities, scouts, clubs etc. on environmental activism and social movements to save our nature.

Are we living green or do our activities have detrimental impact to the planet where we are living now and are we compromising the right of healthy living of future generation? Yes, we are in many cases not living in a sustainable way. We are knowingly or unknowingly causing harm to our environment. This is why, it is everyone’s responsibility to live in a way that reduces the negative consequences of our activities. CAI is determined to raise awareness on green and healthy living in schools and communities by covering the following aspects;
- Reduce waste from the source
- Reuse as far as possible
- Recycle to enhance and utilize the resources efficiency
- Turn off electronic and electrical equipment to save energy
- Adapt paperless strategy as far as possible. Paper towels can be replaced by kitchen towel and cloth napkins. Both-side printing and using recycled paper can reduce our carbon footprint significantly.
- Use local and seasonal foods and resources to reduce fuel consumption, carbon footprint and increase health benefit .
- Let’s not keep the tap opened while cleaning hands, face, and brushing teeth rather use a jug to use water efficiently. Reuse water as far as possible and let’s not wash cloths unnecessarily.
- Use compost bin to make organic compost by using bio-degradable waste which can be used in flower pots, garden and even can be sold in the market. It has a vital positive impact on waste management and convert the waste to a resource .
- Use rechargeable batteries and recycle them, and use the material that contains no or less amount of hazardous substances. Choose eco-leveled products.
- Replace filament, fluorescent, CFL lights by LED light.
- Avoid using plastic bags and use own reusable and recyclable shopping bags.
- Walk or ride bicycle as far as possible and use electric and / or public vehicles.
- Buy and use non-toxic cleaning products such as chlorine-free, phosphate-free, lead-free, unscented washing shop and detergents, natural fiber sponges, biodegradable cleaning products etc.
- Promote social activities such as plantation, clean up public places, awareness raising on environmental conservation, sanitation and energy saving.

Waste segregation and recycling: Feasibility study, technical advisory, foreign cooperation and technology transfer and others.
Waste Composting: Feasibility study, technical advisory, assistance for carbon funding and consulting for CDM PoA registration, advisory services for project development, implementation and management, foreign cooperation and technology transfer and others
Waste to Energy: Feasibility study of household level, institutional biogas plants, and energy generation from landfill site, assessment of technology, assistance for exploring carbon funding and consulting for CDM PoA registration, advisory services for project development, implementation and management, foreign cooperation and networking with technology providers, policy advisory, national and institutional capacity building on waste to energy programme.

UN Sustainable Development Goals has a target to provide universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030. Increasing water-use efficiency, sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater is crucial to reduce water scarcity, and international cooperation for integrated water resources management and capacity-building on water related issues such as water treatment, water recycling and reuse, rain water harvesting and desalination are essential to protect water resources. Forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes should be protected and used sustainably to ensure the protection of water resources.
Understanding all aspects of water management and requirement of safe drinking water, CAI works with local communities, NGOs, INGOs, governments, international development agencies, technology providers to promote and ensure the access of clean and safe drinking water to all. We aim to see the world where no child, no women and no poor die due to scarcity of safe drinking water.

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It is a bitter reality that about 1 billion people in developing nations still do not have access to safe and clean toilets. In past, when there were epidemics caused by cholera and dysentery, people mostly focused on treatment and solution of immediate problems but the root causes i.e. access to the healthy toilets were often ignored. Researches find that these diseases kill more children every year than AIDS, malaria and measles combined. Although sanitation and clean drinking water have equal significance in human health, sanitation, specially toilet, has not received equal importance from social investors and policy-makers.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 6) aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. This has given high priority to end the open defection and use of safe and clean latrines which is still a challenging task but can be achieved through a combine efforts of governments, development agencies, public and private sectors.
CAI work on providing access to sustainable toilets in homes, schools, work places and public places. We have experienced students mainly girls in school are facing problems due to the lack of appropriate toilet. We not only aim to make the clean and safe toilet for all and continuously declare open defecation free (ODF) areas but also aim to promote sustainable use of toilet by connecting it to the bio-digester to generate biogas that can be used as cooking fuel or composting the human waste which can be later used as an organic fertilizer. The first significantly reduces indoor air pollution and improve health of rural people in developing countries and the second assists on improving soil fertility and reduces the use of chemical fertilizers. We also work for registering such programmes in UNFCCC so that emission reduction credits can be claimed and utilized for the sustainable rural development. We work with concerned parties to achieve our objective and ensure health, safety and cleanliness of societies in developing world.

In a layman term, forest is a large area covered by trees and bushes or it is simply known as jungle. Various international organizations have defined it in a number of ways. UNFCCC threshold values for forest are a minimum area of 0.01-1.0 ha, a minimum tree height of 2-5m and a minimum crown cover 10-30%. A report by Forest People Programme indicates that about 1.6 billion rural people are dependent upon forests to some extent and in developing countries about 1.2 billion people depends on agro-forestry farming system. This figure indicates that forest is inextricably linked with livelihood of a significant number of world’s population. At the mean time it is a vital component of world climate system.
In Nepal, a saying “Hariyo Ban Nepalko Dhan” (Green forest Nepal’s wealth) is famous since several years ago and people are conserving it mainly through community forest programme. “Ban Hamro Jeewan” is not just a slogan by CAI but is the reality of the world. We directly or indirectly rely on forests for food, water, clean air, wood products and medicines. In another word, life in the Earth is impossible without forests. Ban Hamro Jeewan initiative raises awareness for forest and biodiversity conservation, provides technical supports to local people and concerned groups to promote forestation, prevent deforestation, provide legal advisory on issues related to forest and forest products, and forest management to ensure existence of sustainable forest for future generations. Besides CAI provides advisory services on Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) and forest carbon sequestration. We cooperate with governments, civil societies, development agencies, businesses on every issue related to sustainable forest management and forest carbon sequestration.

KEY is a program to promote and ensure the participation of kids, youth and women in environmental activities. Kids, Youths and Women are an integral part of the society and the sustainable development cannot be achieved without active participation of these groups. CAI enhances participation of every organ of the society specially; kids, youths and women in social and developmental activities to ensure justices, equality and inclusiveness in societies. Healthy and well educated children, youths and women reflects the prosperous society and CAI works on every aspect that assists on creating exemplary societies.
We select some kids and youths as green ambassadors, organize regional, national and international kids and youth conferences on energy, environment and climate change, promote youth activities and empower them and bring them in mainstream activities of sustainable development. It is obvious that kids, youths and women are more vulnerable to the negative consequences of climate change and natural disaster so their active involvement in activities related to natural conservation and management, climate change mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk reduction etc. is crucial not only for making them safe but also for making the world a better place to live in future. We believe, investment on kids, youths and women health and education is the investment for sustainable future and CAI is strongly committed to create socially inclusive, fair and just, equitable, accountable, transparent and sustainable society.

Interaction between experts and concerned stakeholders is very essential in every sectors to achieve the sustainable development goals and to improve the livelihood of people. Under meet your experts programme we invite experts from various sectors such as; climate change, energy, green growth, education, water and sanitation, health, human rights, social welfare, poverty reduction, food, agriculture and forestry and they will interact with local people with the aim to provide concerned information, gather practical firsthand information, provide solutions, recommend an appropriate policy etc.
CAI organizes free health camps by coordinating with medical team, local people and related institutions. It also coordinates with funding agencies who can provide free food in schools for poor and needy students and support them financially to buy books, study materials, clothing. We do not leave any stone unturned to assure the access of the experts any field mentioned, but not limited to, to the local people