Clean Water & Sanitation

Availability of water makes life possible in the Earth. Although about one third of the planet is covered with water and there are sufficient sources of clean water, 650 million of the global population do not yet have access to safe water {WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP), 2015} and each minute a newborn baby dies from infection caused by a lack of safe water and polluted environment (WHO, 2015). The major causes of the inaccessibility of safe drinking water and poor hygiene are financial disability, poor management practices, and lake proper infrastructures in the developing world mainly in subs Harahan Africa and developing Asia. Managing water resources and distribution system smartly is vital on achieving sustainable development targets. It directly or indirectly contributes in strengthening social, economic and environmental system, which in turn assists on creation of resilient society.
Safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are very important issues for human health and without ensuring these all a country cannot achieve its sustainable development goal. SDG 6 aims to ensure access to water and sanitation for all by 2030 and it is a very challenging target. The facts and figures presented in SDG 6 shows that; currently 2.4 billion of the world population are out of access to basic sanitation services and about 1000 children die every day because of water borne and sanitation-related diarrhoeal diseases. Are not these figures alarming and require immediate actions from personal, societal, regional, national and international level? UN SDG target to expand international cooperation and capacity building support to developing nations in water and sanitation-related activities and programmes.
CAI involves in WASH activities through its various strategic initiatives and cooperate with local people, civil societies, governments, and international agencies to provide services that contributes on achieving local, regional, national and global target of WASH programme. We work on all four tools for implementation identified by UN WASH Programme i.e.
- Increased financing and improved budgeting
- Water governance
- Technology and,
- Capacity development
Our strategic initiatives on clean water and sanitation directly contribute to the objective of UN Sustainable Development Goals.