Clean Energy

Energy is essential for our daily life and energy consumption is one of the indicators of our economic development and well-being. At the mean time our per capita energy consumption and the type of energy we use determine how sustainable our consumption is. The more fossil fuel we use the more our carbon footprint is and it eventually enhances global warming. About 16% (1.2 billion people) of the world’s population are still out of access to electricity and more than 38% (2.7 billion people) of the world’s population rely on traditional form of energy such as wood, coal, charcoal, and animal waste for cooking and heating (WEO, 2016). People without electricity predominantly (80%) live in rural areas.
CAI’s clean energy program focuses on development of sustainable clean energy systems, improvement of energy efficiency and increase access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services. Low-carbon green growth is becoming a requisite of current development policy and practice and clean energy is a vital part of it. We work with technology providers, utilities, public & private entities, governments, development partners, citizens and other stakeholders and assist them on the road to access clean and affordable energy and to end energy poverty.
Renewable Energy Technologies we cover are;
- Micro & mini-hydropower, and grid and off-grid connection
- Biogas energy (household and institutional level)
- Improved cooking stoves
- Solar PV & solar thermal
- Waste to energy
- Biomass power generation
- Biofuel
- Fuel cell & power storage system.
Regarding energy efficiency, we by collaborating with our partners provide following services;
- Energy Management System (EnMS)
- Transmission and distribution loss reduction
- Energy Audit
- Demand-side Management (DMS)
- Building Energy Management