Food & Forest

Climate change has a significant impact on agriculture and forest system which provide foods and oxygen respectively to living beings. Whether the planet can provide sufficient food and oxygen sustainably to the growing population is a current and future major issue. FAO, IFAD and WFP. 2015, The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015. Meeting the 2015 international hunger rargets: taking stock of uneven progress Rome, FAO shows that about 795 million global populations are undernourished among which 780 million live in developing regions. Providing nutritious food to these population is a challenge and at the same time reducing impact of food production to climate, ecosystem and water is another demanding task. Conversely the problems aggravated by climate change such as; natural disaster and shift in weather pattern has drastically reduced the food production in developing countries. IPCC AR5 indicates that the climate change is already impacting agriculture, affecting major crops, livestock production and fisheries negatively.
We aim to promote sustainable food production and consumption to meet the current and future food requirement without jeopardizing the natural ecosystem. And we also provide policy recommendation to ensure both the food security and natural system are on balance. We promote climate-smart food production.
UN SDG 15 indicates that about 1.6 billion global population rely on forests for their livelihood and it is home to more than 80% of all terrestrial species of animal, plants and insects. People depends on forests for wood, food & fiber, water, medicines etc. It plays a vital role on stabilizing natural system by providing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. Deforestation and forest degradation are serious problems in many parts of the world and they in turn bring other natural disasters such as landslides and floods.
CAI works with governments, local communities, national and international organizations, and private and public sectors for sustainable forest management and increase the forest cover which are very essential to mitigate harmful impact of climate change and build resilient societies.