Green Cities & Villages

Global Health Observatory (GHO), 2014 data shows that slightly more than half (about 54%) of the global population lives in urban areas and it is expected that the percentage of the urban population will continue to grow and specially the rate of migration to urban will be higher in developing world. People are attracted toward cities because of better education system, health care facilities, availability of jobs, better infrastructure, multicultural environment and more. In contrast the city life has several disadvantages and challenges due to unmanaged way of settlement mainly in developing nations. Poor water distribution system, lack of appropriate sanitation, narrow roads, congestion, haphazard settlements, lack of other fundamental services etc. are making city life harder and harder every day. It is really a challenging task for a developing nation to make balance between growing urban population and better life opportunities in cities.
UN SDG 11 mentions that the proportion of area cover by cities compared to the Earth’s land area is just about 3% but account for 60-80% of energy consumption and 75% of carbon emissions. At the same time it aims to substantially increase the number of cities and human settlements adopting and implanting integrated policies and plans towards inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, and develop and implement holistic disaster risk management at all levels, reduce per capita environmental impact of cities, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible, green and public spaces, provide access to safe, affordable and accessible and sustainable transport system for all and besides other social, environmental and economic facilities.
It is essential to provide necessary facilities and maintain sustainable living services both in urbans and villages to reduce haphazard urbanization and make life safe, easy and managed. CAI aims and works for providing a better quality of life for people both in cities and villages without giving burden to natural resources. We involve on research and development of sustainable urban growth, provide necessary technical support and work with residents, local governing bodies, public and private companies, governments and development partners to promote green cities and villages concept and practices to make cities and villages, prosperous, resilient, safe, inclusive and sustainable. Besides we establish friendship-cities and villages between cities and villages of developed countries and developing countries through which they can cooperate each other in various ways to improve their social, economic and environmental conditions and can be model cities and villages.