Make a Donation
Please keep helping on our fight for Climate Change, Clean Energy, Green Growth, Clean Water & Sanitation, Green Cities and Villages, Food & Forest, Resilient Societies, Social Justices, Capacity Building and Knowledge Hub.
We have following strategic initiatives to achieve our target in aforementioned themes;
CDM Hub, Carbon Finance Initiatives (CFI), Center for Climate Change, Businesses Energy Climate Change Nexus (BECN), ClimeConf, ClimeDoc, Green Energy for All (GE4All), National Cleaner Production Center Nepal (NCPC-Nepal), National Green Growth and Eco-Innovation Center Nepal (NGGEIC-Nepal), Green Fellows (GF), Green Volunteers and Career Development, Green Living, Waste 2 Wealth (W2W), Safe Drinking Water for All (SDW4All), Toilet for All (Toilet4All), Ban Hamro Jeewan (Forest Our Life), Kids, Youths & Environment (KEY), Meet with Experts
Each cent you donate keeps us awake to work and contribute for the betterment of needy and vulnerable people and societies.